Tuesday 15 November 2011

Entry 8 part 2

Beyond what I think, I also collected some feedback from my group members:

Group Interview (Facebook)

On top of what I have mentioned in part 1, i gained new insights from their perspectives.

 This is something that I noticed but my group members did as well. One of the main problems we had initially in getting our work done fast was the time we spent chatting and scripting without movement. Once we got into the space and moved through our piece, however, the devising process gained momentum. If we had realized this earlier and before Prue had told us, we might even have saved time and could have further developed our play better.

As mentioned earlier, the students undertaking "O" level drama are required to do their prelims, the devising for their stimuli and their other coursework developing in a short space of time. This does not leave them with much time. This can be problematic. Thus, using this approach in getting students to devise may be effective especially for their stimuli pieces which are not accessed for the performance aspect. It saves time and get students moving along faster in a stressful period.

2.Focus and proper research

No role can be handled without proper research. Our group took time to look out for materials and videos online to mould our characters. This was highlighted by Faeza. She also highlighted how we worked hard to brainstorm. We did well when brainstorming as we were focused on the task at hand. We did have some fun from time to time but when it was time to sit down and work we did it together and that helped us progress.

Students can go out and do further research for their roles. In fact, in my recent practicum stint, I caught a glimpse of students using their Smartphones (with the teacher's permission of course) to find out more of a certain disease they wanted to do a performance on. This allowed them to come out with a logical and well thought off piece. Focus is a problem with Secondary school students. They tend to get sidetracked and do not stay serious. There are times where they may distract each other or go off topic. This is common in a Secondary school setting. Teachers must motivate them and maybe conduct focus exercises and breathing exercises before lessons to get students settled in and in the right frame of mind to be focused and work.

As a group the fact that we are still in touch is also something of great value and it shows that we worked well and came out of it as friends and with a good understanding and respect for each other.

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